We are pleased to announce the 2022 Annual Reunion of the European Group of Public Law (EGPL) with subject Climate Change and Public Law: Challenges, Policies, Future Perspectives scheduled to take place at the premises of European Public Law Organization in Legraina, from 09-11 September 2022. The Reunion of the European Group of Public Law, which serves as the European Scientific Council of the EPLO, will gather public law academics, high court judges and public law practitioners from all over the world.
2022 Programme
Provisional Program can be download here
09.15-13.00 First session / Première session
President / Président:
Climate Change: New Challenges to Global and European Public Law / Changement climatique: Nouveaux défis au droit public mondial et européen
"Climate Change: A View from Science and its Role to Foster Global Action", Prof. Antonio Navarra, University of Bologna, Italy
"From Río to Paris: The Glasgow Climate Pact and the Main Policy and Legal Challenges at Global, Regional, National and Local Level", Prof. Rui Lanceiro, University of Lisbon, Portugal
11.00-11.15 Coffee break / Pause café
"Climate Change and a Global Pact for the Environment", Prof. Yann Aguila, Attorney-at-Law, France
"The EU and National Legal Response to Climate Change Challenges", Prof. Katerina Iliadou, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Greece
13.00-14.00 Lunch break / Pause déjeuner
14.00-17.30 Second session / Deuxième session
President / Président:
Climate Change Governance and Decision-making / Gouvernance du changement climatique et prise de décisions
"Climate Change Governance: A Constellation of Public and Private Actors", Prof. Eser Karakaş, Turkey
"The Challenges of the Eastern European States in Building Climate Resilience - Tendencies and New Happenings", Dr. Orsolya Johanna Sziebig PhD, University of Szeged, Hungary
15.30-15.45 Coffee break / Pause café
"Policy and Legal Instruments to Build Resilience to Climate Change and to Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions: From Global Mandates to National and Local Implementation", Prof. Dario Bevilacqua, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
"Climate Governance and New Challenges to the so-called 'Environmental Democracy'", Prof. Carmen Plaza Martín, Constitutional Court, Spain
09.15-13.00 Third session / Troisième session
President / Président: Prof. Giacinto della Cananea, Bocconi University, Italy
Effective Judicial Review of Public Action or Inaction related to Climate Change Law / Contrôle juridictionnel efficace de l’action ou de l’inaction publique relatif au droit du changement climatique
"The Emergence and the Potential of Climate Law Litigation", Prof. Francisco Velasco & Prof. Sofia Simou, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
"Climate Change Litigation: The Enforcement of Climate Change Law and the New Challenges to Judicial Protection of Conflicting Interests", Prof. Maurizia de Bellis, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
"Protecting Human Rights through Climate Law Litigation", Prof. Thomas Groß, University of Osnabrück, Germany
11.00-11.15 Coffee break / Pause café
"The Limits of Growth as Regulatory Challenge. Lessons from the Decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court on Climate Protection", Prof. Ekkehard Hofmann, University of Trier, Germany
"The Role of Arbitration in Climate Change Disputes", Prof. Elisa Scotti, University of Macerata, Italy
"From Root Causes to Solution, the Driving Force of our Consumption and Production Patterns", Dr. Arab Hoballah, Executive Director of SEED, ex-Chief SCP UNEP, Lebanon
13.00-14.00 Lunch break / Pause déjeuner
14.00-16.00 Fourth session / Quatrième session
President / Président:
14.00-15.00 Workshops / Ateliers
15.30-16.00 General Conclusions / Conclusions générales
Dr. Arab Hoballah, Executive Director of SEED, ex-Chief SCP UNEP, Lebanon
16.00-18.00 Fifth session / Cinquième session
President / Président: Prof. Sabino Cassese, Justice emeritus, Italian Constitutional Court
Twenty-seventh meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2021; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2022; Other administrative matters / Vingt-septième réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de la European Public Law Organization; Rapport sur les activités de l’EPLO; Prix de Thèse 2021; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2022; Autres questions administratives.